Two planes in the sky moving towards each other very slowly. A speck between them. What a relief it would be to just see something. Anything.
No One is Coming to Save You takes place over one night in the minds of two insomniacs. She sits in the dark staring at a glass. He is watching TV in a language he can’t understand.
Made by experimental theatre company This Noise, it’s about the garish places our minds rush to when left alone. It’s about hope, violence and the wait for morning.
This production is supported by Arts Council England.
Quotes & Reviews
★★★★ "Strikingly mature work"
The Stage
"A blazing debut" The Guardian
"A romance for the age of anxiety" Matt Trueman, WhatsOnStage
The Company
Founded in 2018 by Nathan Ellis and Charlotte Fraser, This Noise is a company that tries to find contemporary languages for political expression. They experiment with ways to stage new texts, by bringing inspiration from design, music and performance art.
“A young company to watch” – The Stage
One of five of the best young theatre companies in the UK - The Guardian
A Younger Theatre, New Diorama Theatre, HOME Manchester and Tobacco Factory Theatres join forces for the first time to bring you INCOMING Festival 2019. One week, three cities, 15 different shows. A showcase of the very best emerging theatre companies from across the country.
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