10 August 2020
When we opened NDT, we made a pact: we would rather close than run a theatre that didn’t truly serve its artists and community. Over the last decade, even when it felt almost impossible, we’ve lived up to that promise.
However, we sit empty. And it’s clear that we won’t be opening for performances again until 2021.
This would have been our tenth anniversary season. But perhaps not having one is for the best anyway. Looking back has never been our style.
Instead, since lockdown began, we’ve gifted two thirds of our reserves to artists through no-strings attached grants, ensuring that when we come back we’ve still got theatre to fill our stage.
We’ve invested in conversations with underrepresented groups, so we can listen to what they have to say so we will return better. And we’ve paid each of our freelancers, cast members and met our commitments in full.
To us, reopening means investing more than ever in championing new work. It means putting everything we’ve got into ensuring we don’t lose a whole generation of artists to this crisis. And it means having the bold ideas to reshape our industry for the better, and having the courage to see them through. It’s going to be the challenge of our careers, but everything we’ve done so far has prepared us for this moment, and we’re ready for the fight.
As a theatre dedicated to supporting others, it’s hard to ask for help ourselves. Your messages of support so far, donations towards our recovery, and kind notes have meant the world. If you’re able to support what we do , if you believe in it too, thank you.
We’re going to be quieter on here for the next few months. While we won’t be talking, we’ll be listening, and we’ll be thinking of you all. Looking forward to a day when we’re back together again.
Thanks to you, we’re not going anywhere.
What great friends you all turned out to be.
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