Friday, 27 September, 2013
Here at NDT we are very excited that our new scheme with IdeasTap, The Emerging Companies Programme, is almost upon us and we can officially reveal our six wonderful winners!
Joining us will be the talented Tap Tap Theatre, playOn Theatre, Tin Box Theatre, Handprint Theatre, Impulse Collective and ANTLER . Congratulations and a big thank you to all those companies who applied. It was a tough job getting it down to just six and thank you all for your time and energy. We wish you all the best!
Keep an eye on the website for further information about the Emerging Companies Showcase Week which will be taking place in November from Mon 18th to Sat 23rd .
'We are really excited to be a part of the Emerging Theatre Companies programme, and as a Birmingham-based company it is a great opportunity for us to share our work with London audiences. We’re really looking forward to meeting the other companies and working with the New Diorama. Can’t wait to get started.' - Tin Box Theatre
"We are delighted to be a part of the programme, and are so excited to be amongst some fantastic young companies whose work we admire. We are a relatively new company and are really excited to have the opportunity to absorb all the wisdom New Diorama and IdeasTap have to offer us!" - Tap Tap Theatre
"playOn are delighted to have been selected as one of the companies for the Emerging Companies Programme. We are incredibly excited about working with the team at New Diorama and look forward to all that the scheme has to offer. Programmes like this are vital to emerging companies, such as ourselves, and ensure we have the means, know how and opportunity to continue to progress and grow as a company." - playOn Theatre
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