Bring Your Work to NDT

New Diorama programmes, commissions, produces and presents a year-round programme of public performances, curated by our artistic team.

We are constantly searching for new, talented theatre companies and ensembles to join our programme. 

If you are a theatre company, making distinctive and exciting theatre, wanting a Central London home – then we’d love to hear from you. 

You can set up a meeting or invite us to come and see your work by emailing Especially if the answer is yes to the following questions...

Are you really a Theatre Company?

We define a theatre company as a group of people who come together and creatively collaborate over a number of productions, making work that only they could create

These groups should have a distinctive “voice” and flavour to their work. Show to show their work will change, surprise and grow, but what they’re creating is always undeniably them – allowing us to build a fanbase for their productions over time.

Are you making Ensemble-Led work?

As a theatre dedicated to presenting company and collaborative-led work, we don't programme solo shows, rarely support two-handers and do not accept script submissions or invites to readings.

What we're interested in is imaginative work that utilises ensembles, form and theatre language in new and exciting ways.

Is there an emotional connection between your team and New Diorama?

There needs to be empathy, connection and close collaboration between NDT and each company we support. We work closely with each of our supported companies, both to support a shared mission and all the other artists in our network. 

Do you have growth potential and ambitions?

We always try to see more than one production by a company we’re making a commitment to. This is to see whether or not there is potential to grow and develop

And this isn’t just artistic growth, we really like to find young companies who have real ambition and want to go somewhere. There’s nothing like meeting a company in a theatre above a pub, loving their work and then hearing they've got plans to take over the world, knowing that we can help.

Are you going to offer something new to the NDT Family?

We’re very careful to ensure our programming has a balance of form, styles and genres. We don’t want to support a lot of very similar work, giving our hungry, risk-seeking audiences a limited diet. 

If you’re offering something you currently don’t see in our line-ups, we’ll be extra keen to engage.