NDT is temporarily closing for public performances. If you're an audience member hoping to see a show, we promise it will be worth it. And we need your help.
Right now, we feel like British theatre has got itself stuck - and scared. Across the country, audiences haven't returned to pre-Covid levels, with risk-averse programmers and under-resourced artists unable to break the cycle. There's a desperate need to restore our belief in theatre as essential to our lives.
NDT has always believed that a small theatre can change the world, so this autumn we're staging an intervention. To be truly re-inspired, we need to make the space, time and resource for artists to take genuine risks, dream bigger, make mistakes and come out swinging. But we can't get there against immediate programming pressure. So for six months, we're stopping, with a promise to come back with a new slate of work to genuinely thrill and surprise you.
You can read more about what we're doing and why in this blog from our Artistic Director.
If any of this resonates, if you're willing to wait for something more, if you'll trust us to come back with the theatre you deserve - then we need your help.
If you can, please consider donating to this effort - to our biggest of swings.
Right now, we're gathering every penny to invest in brave artists trying new things. When we come back, bold new shows will need more resource than before. We receive no regular public funding, so individual donations will be the catalyst for that potential.
Whether it's donating the price of a ticket you might have bought, or a larger amount to unlock our next steps, click the link below - and just maybe you'll get an invite to one of our private sharings of new ideas this autumn.
If you can't afford to donate right now, you can still help out. Tell a friend about what we're doing and why it matters. Book in a diary reminder for 2023 to buy tickets for our return. Come by our cafe for a coffee. Or simply update your will to cut off your children and leave everything to us. You know it makes sense.